How and When to Use the PDC-HS Assessment

This video will discuss how and when supervisors and team members may use the PDC-HS assessment.

The purpose of the performance diagnostic checklist - human services (PDC-HS) is to identify the barriers to implementing a procedure as designed. This assessment has been used to inform interventions to improve employee performance. The assessment was created by Carr and colleagues in 2013 and is broken down into four areas, with 20 different questions. 

You can complete this assessment for your supervisees. You can also assign it as a self assessment for them to complete.

To complete this assessment, follow the steps to create an assessment. For more information on how to create an assessment, view the how to create an assessment training video. Once you have selected the performance diagnostic checklist - human service assessment, click next. There are eight steps to complete this assessment. 

The first is to identify the performance concern. Next, the first area of training questions will populate. Once you answer these questions, the task clarification and prompting questions will be presented. Next, resources, then materials, then processes questions will be displayed. Finally, you will be asked questions about performance consequences, effort, and competition. Once you have completed the assessment, a suggested intervention plan will populate to help inform what procedures you may put in place to support your supervisee in improving their performance in the area of concern. 

We suggest that supervisors complete the assessment, as well as assign the assessment as a self assessment for the supervisee to complete. The information gathered from both individuals will be helpful in determining what is the best plan moving forward. Once both parties complete the assessment, we recommend meeting to discuss how to work on this area together!