How can I make changes to started evaluations?

This article summarizes how users can make or request changes be made to evaluations.

Changes supervisors can make themselves: 

There may be times when the incorrect client or teammate was selected for an observation or assessment. Supervisors can now change clients or teammates within the evaluation, prior to finalizing. To make a change to the client, the supervisor will remove the current client code in the evaluation and type in the correct one. To make a change to the teammate, the supervisor will remove the teammate in the evaluation and type in the correct one. Make sure to press save after making these changes! 

Changes supervisors can request through support:

There may be situations where the evaluation was finalized when something needs to be changed. If this is the case, please email the below information to Please note that definalized evaluations will no longer impact the current individuals score; however, it will still be present in your platform.

There may be situations where an evaluation is started but will not be completed, for whatever reason. If this is the case, please email the below information to This will make it so you no longer view the evaluation in your grid. 

Information to include in your definalization or archiving request email: 

  • Whether you wish to change an observation or assessment 
  • The date the observation or assessment was created 
  • The teammate the observation or assessment was created for 
  • The client the observation or assessment was created for