This video will review how direct supervisors can create and modify success plans for their team members.
The purpose of creating success plans is to ensure your supervisees are receiving the training and support to perform in accordance with their goals. We suggest meeting with your supervisees to discuss areas you would like them to improve on and work together on creating success plans you can work toward together!
You can create a success plan for your team member in two ways. You can click on the team tab on the left hand side of your screen and then click on success plans. This will allow you to view all of the success plans for your direct superviees. Or you can go to the specific supervisees dashboard and click on the personal success plan tab at the top. Once you are here you can create or modify that supervisees success plans.
To create a new success plan you will click on the blue button in the top right hand corner of your screen. This will bring you to a 13 step process to creating the success plan. On the first page you will identify the pinpoint category and type, as well as start date of the plan. If you’ve created templates for success plans, you can use the dropdown menu to select one to prepopulate.
In order to guide your intervention for the performance issue you are working on, you can launch the performance diagnostic checklist human services (PDC-HS) assessment to identify barriers to your supervisee engaging in the target behavior. For more information on this assessment, view the how and when to use the PDC-HS training video.
As you go through the steps, fill in the relevant information. You can assign tasks for your supervisees to complete while the plan is in place. Once you have completed all of the steps and selected done, the plan has been finalized and sent to your supervisee. All of the information you just entered will populate on your screen. Once you are done reviewing you can click close.
It is important to note that only direct supervisors can create and modify personal success plans. If you are an indirect or non-direct supervisor then you will not be able to create or modify those supervisees success plans. You can view your indirect and non-direct supervisees personal success plans though. For information on how to view success plans, view the how to view the success plans training video. For information on the difference between direct, indirect, and non-direct supervisors, please view the article in the knowledge base.