This video will review the features of the behavior technician dashboard.
Your dashboard includes information about your organization, team, and personal performance toward your organization's performance goals. Each of these sections are briefly reviewed below.
As reviewed in the overview of BSTperform video, there are three areas - clinical, professional, and environmental in which data are collected for. Please review that video if you have questions about what is measured in these areas.
At the top you will see your team performance in comparison to the performance goals set by your organization. Next, you will see your personal performance as it relates to the personal performance goals your supervisor has set for you. Next, you will see your team’s performance and how well the team is performing recently. Below that, you can see the group of bar graphs which indicate you performance over various observations and assessments your supervisor has conducted. Lastly, you will see notifications, which is where any notification that you may receive from your supervisor will populate. For example, you may see that your supervisor recently completed an observation or assessment. Or you may see that your supervisor assigned you a task to complete.
If you would like to learn more about the scorecard view, how to complete tasks, or view your observation or assessment data, please review the other behavior technician training videos.