The Performance Management Process

This article describes how supervisors can effectively use BSTperform to support their staff.

Review the Performance Management Process white paper here

Goals should be set from the onset of the supervisory relationship. Goals help supervisors get to know their employees and understand what is important to them, and it communicates that the supervisor is invested in their success. They allow employees to explore their areas of interest and take an active role in their own development (Gravina & Siers, 2011). We recommend that supervisors set no more than 3 goals at a time and assess progress toward these goals at least every 90 days (Wickman, 2011). Some goals may be aligned with specific organizational goals or performance metrics. Other goals may be solely dedicated to the employee’s professional development. 

Review the how to create goal plans article to learn more about how to do this in BSTperform.

There are three parts to supervisory observations:

1) collecting data, 2) analyzing data, and 3) providing feedback

Procedural integrity data is critical to capture during observations, as research shows that it is correlated with clinical outcomes (DiGennaro et al., 2007). Integrity is the degree to which an intervention is implemented as designed (Sanetti & Kratchowill, 2009). Integrity data should be used to guide a supervisor's behavior. Without analyzing the data collected, it may be difficult for supervisors to determine who to support and when to adjust the amount of support needed.

Everyone at an organization should receive feedback! Newly hired employees, stellar tenured employees, executives, supervisors s, and everyone in between. Providing feedback is not easy, or always preferred. It is critical for supervisors to become comfortable with providing feedback. If feedback is avoidedy, it is likely that the procedure will continue to be implemented incorrectly and the lack of action will continue to impact the client's progress.

The crux of BSTperform system is assisting supervisors in collecting and analyzing integrity data so that feedback can be provided to support their staff. Review the how to create observations and assessments articles to learn more about how to collect data in BSTperform. 

There may be times where reviewing performance data suggests an intervention should be put in place for an employee. A variation of the PDC, the Performance Diagnostic Checklist - Human Services (PDC-HS), is used most often in human service settings and works well for our field. After the assessment has been completed, the data must be analyzed to determine the function of the behavior. Once the results have been analyzed, an intervention should be determined. Once an intervention is selected, a plan should be put in place. Often these plans are referred to as performance improvement plans. At Behavior Science Technology they are called success plans! Success plans often require supervisors to pinpoint the performance issue; and determine the parameters for the plan by writing out the goals, measurement, antecedent(s), feedback, mastery, impact, and task(s) associated. 

Review the how to create success plans article to learn more about how to do this in BSTperform.

While observations occur and performance data are analyzed, organizations should be working on continual development of their employees. A plan should be in place, at each level of the organization, for ongoing training and development of employees.